Who Is David Rounds, And Why Do Southern Nevada Businesses Consider Him Their Trusted IT Partner?

David B. Rounds

David B. Rounds is the CEO of NetEffect and leads the industry in managed IT services providers in Las Vegas. Under David’s leadership, NetEffect has earned 169 five-star Google reviews and has been named Microsoft’s West Region Influencer Partner of the Year and the Vegas Chamber’s Entrepreneur of the Year. The firm is also ranked as a leading managed services provider (MSP) by the Channel Company’s CRN Magazine, one of North America’s most significant resources for IT news, trends, analysis, and insight. NetEffect has earned the Award Channel Futures MSP 501, and CRN’s MSP 500: Pioneer 250, along with Clutch and Cloud Tango recognizing the firm as a top MSP Provider. For over two decades, he has been an integral player and expert in developing business technology and cyber security preparedness for small and midsize Las Vegas businesses.

As Featured In

Author on Cyber Security


How Just ONE Cyber Attack Can Damage Your Business Beyond Repair And What You Can Do NOW To Stop It

Contact David Rounds

David Rounds, Explains How You Can Spend Less Time Thinking About IT And More Time Running Your Business

When David Rounds takes a call from a Las Vegas business owner, it’s usually because they are at their wit’s end with their IT. They tell David how many hours they spend on the phone troubleshooting with one tech after another or watching helplessly as employees twiddle their thumbs because of a disconnected network. Whether or not they have an IT team, they’ve been referred to David. He says that what prospective clients really want to know is, How do I stop thinking about IT all the time?


David’s Top Areas Of Expertise

  • Business Advisor on Cyber Security
  • IT Business strategy planning and budgeting
  • Creating highly effective Cybersecurity strategy plans for Businesses
  • Optimizing IT Operations and Departments for Maximum Productivity
  • Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
  • Cloud Transformation and Optimization
  • Author of Breathe Easy - "How Just One Cyber Attack Can Damage Your Business Beyond Repair… And What You Can Do Now To Stop It"

Listen To Why David Rounds Is One Of The Most Trusted Leaders In Cyber Security

MSP Success Spotlight - Dave Rounds
CEO, NetEffect

Holiday Online Scams- David Rounds
NetEffect KSNV Las Vegas

Protecting from Online Predators
David Rounds NetEffect KVCW Las Vegas

Helping MSPs in Their Business Journey
NetEffect David Rounds - pax8

With Remote Workers, Email Security
is More Important Now Than Ever!
NetEffect Vegas Video Network

What Businesses Need to Consider
For Remote Workers During Covid-19
NetEffect Vegas Video Network


Our goal is to bring Fortune 500 level IT expertise and exceptional customer experience to the small and medium-sized business market in Las Vegas.

Things We Do Better

Top Reasons Why You'll Want To Work With Us

We SPECIALIZE In Working With Fast-Growth Companies. That means we understand your incredibly hectic and stressful work schedule and WHY it’s critical to remove obstacles, frustrations, and technical problems to keep you productive. We appreciate your desire to eliminate waste, extra steps, workarounds, and manual labor. We also have LIVE, LOCAL tech support 24/7/365 since we know you don’t work the normal “9-5” day. We can help you maintain the freedom to work remotely while making sure you meet compliance standards for data security and backups.

We Have The Unique Ability To Address Your IT Needs. From Vision Through Long-Term Support. We assist from vision to design and planning, to product specification through pricing and acquisition, to installation, implementation, documentation, and project management, and finally, post-project support of your company and it’s users. This allows you to have one consistent team that understands your environment, your people, how you work, and your history, which means you don’t have to waste time educating us.

We Have A Team Of Over 10 Certified Experts On Staff. Unlike other IT firms, which have one or two guys trying to juggle multiple projects and wear various hats, we have a team of engineers on staff with diverse, specialized areas of expertise who work together to deliver the most effective and correct solutions to you. As a client, you are assigned to one of these teams. That means you’ll always be able to get someone on the phone who knows YOU and understands YOUR environment and YOUR systems to provide helpful answers and quick resolutions of problems instead of having to talk to a complete stranger, hundreds of miles, away who knows nothing of you or your systems and wastes your time asking a lot of really dumb and annoying questions to try and “help” you.

We Use Our Vendor Relationships To YOUR Advantage. Having an advanced level of partnership with key vendors (Microsoft, VMware, HP, Fortinet, and Net App) allows us access to special pre-and post-project assistance support levels that most “partners” do not have. We are able to provide the right solutions, priced right, and validated by the vendor, so if any issues come up, we can get them resolved quickly and effectively.

We Support Both On-Premise And Cloud Solutions. Some IT firms won’t offer or recommend cheaper cloud solutions because THEY make less money. Our philosophy is – and always has been – to offer what’s BEST for the customer, not us. That’s how we keep so many customers long-term. We’ll base our recommendations on what YOU want and what YOU feel most comfortable with. Our job is to lay out your options, educate you on the pros and cons of each, and guide you to the best, most cost-effective solution for you.

We’ll Use Our “Proven Process” For Everything We Do. First, we ASSESS the situation and business requirements. Then we ADVISE you about the risks, the costs, and the benefits. Only YOU know your business situation, and only YOU can make the right decision on what is the best-effective solution for you. Then we RESOLVE or Implement the solution. Finally, we continue to MANAGE the solution to ensure you have the ultimate customer experience and the most productivity with little to no downtime.

All Projects Are Completed As Agreed On And On Budget. When you hire us to complete a project for you, we won’t nickel-and-dime you with unforeseen or unexpected charges or delays. We guarantee to deliver precisely what we promised to deliver, on time and on budget, with little to no unplanned downtime. We can offer our agreements on a fixed-fee basis, so you know exactly what you’re going to pay, not a penny more.

We Have Flexible, Tailored-To-Your-Needs Support Options To Help You Better Manage Your Environment. We provide our customers with a variety of managed support options, ranging from back-end maintenance and monitoring for issues to user help-desk support with ticketing to strategy and budget and asset/license life-cycle management. We have successfully provided these services for over 20 years and can create a solution specifically for you and your team.

We Are One Of A Few Elite Microsoft Office 365 Partners In The Country. They call us their “SMB Champions.” Migrating to Office 365 and other cloud solutions is NOT something you want to attempt on your own. There are dozens of ways an improper setup can cause problems, systems that don’t work, lost data and e-mail, and a host of other problems – you need someone with experience in multiple environments with a variety of clients. We have that experience – from a small office with 10 employees to a full Office 365 migration for a customer with 600 employees; we can help.